Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prop 8 Decision in San Francisco 5/26

The California Supreme Court's decision to not overturn Proposition 8 was released today at 10 AM. I was in San Francisco with Eric Wolfe (ericwolfephoto.com) to cover the community's reaction to the decision, which would ban gay marriage in California but uphold the legality of the 18,000 same-sex marriages that have already taken place here.

After the decision was announced, the action moved a couple of blocks to the Civic Center, where a sit-in was conducted to protest the decision.

After blocking traffic for 2 hours, police moved to arrest the participants of the sit-in.

Among those arrested included anti-Prop 8 members of the clergy who supported the sit-in, and three minors

More to come, protests still in progress today


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The blog of freelance photographer Joshua Sy.

More of his photos can be found online at www.joshuasyphoto.com

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